Preventative Dentistry

We love to create beautiful results in dental treatments both to improve your smile and give you self-confidence.


Caring For Your Teeth To Keep Them Healthy

Preventative dentistry is the inclusion of dental treatments, which will positively impact your future oral health

Simple changes to your flossing, brushing techniques and your diet are preventive measures. These small changes can have significant improvements on the health of your teeth and gums. It also helps to limit the potential need for restorative dentistry in the future, which can be both costly and painful.


What Preventative Treatment Options Can I Expect?

During your regular check-ups, your dental team will be encouraging a wide range of positive approaches for healthier teeth to include:


How Is Ideal Oral Hygiene Achieved?

The teeth should be brushed from the gums to the teeth with a medium soft toothbrush twice a day. One of the brushing should be before going to bed at night and nothing should be consumed after this brushing. The interfaces of the teeth are at least as critical as their visible surfaces. Often neglecting this point, interface caries and gum diseases occur frequently. Because the bristles of toothbrushes cannot reach these interfaces sufficiently. The interface cleaning of the teeth is carried out with dental floss or special interface brushes. Flossing should also be done once every day before going to bed at night. In addition, the tongue should be cleaned with a toothbrush or special tongue cleaning apparatus.


What Does Preventive Dentistry Do?

Preventive dentistry prevents people from developing dental problems later on. If you use proper dental care, you can avoid or lessen the effects of these:


What Can I Do At Home?

Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with fluoride toothpaste - brush in the way your dental team have shown you. Spit out after brushing and do not rinse, so that the fluoride stays on your teeth longer.

Clean in between your teeth with ‘interdental' brushes or floss - brushing alone only cleans up to about 60 percent of the surface of your teeth. Use a mouthwash. Many mouthwashes contain antibacterial ingredients to help prevent gum disease, and fluoride to help prevent decay. Don't use the mouthwash straight after brushing. Using the mouthwash in between the times you brush your teeth means that your teeth and gums are protected for longer.


Preventative Dentistry FAQs

Preventative dentistry involves being proactive with your oral health to prevent issues arising, rather than having to cure them. The two main elements of this are visiting your dentist regularly so they can pick up on any problems and also having a thorough oral hygiene routine at home.

Preventative dentistry should start as early as possible! If you are considering preventative dentistry, now is the time to start. For parents considering preventative dentistry for their children, it can start as soon as they have their first teeth! Oral health should be just as much of a priority as the rest of your health, so taking care of it as much as possible is essential.

Foods with high carbohydrate content (sugar, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, cakes, potato chips, etc.) that can stick to teeth (caramels, Turkish delights, sugary chewing gum, etc.) are one of the most decaying foods, especially in children. When these foods are consumed in snacks and if the teeth are not brushed afterwards, their carious effects are inevitable.
While the ideal is not to use these foods at all, it is not possible to keep children away from them. If it is to be consumed, it will be correct to consume such products immediately after the main meals and to brush the teeth afterwards.

It constitutes the basis of preventive dentistry practices. Mechanical cleaning of teeth should start shortly after eruption of the first milk teeth. This is an action that the mother should do. The mother can clean the baby’s milk teeth by dipping the sterile gauze cloth on her finger by dipping the sterile gauze in cooled sterile water. Children can use a toothbrush from the age of 2.5 to 3 when their manual skills develop. Toothpaste should be used in the form of a swab from the age of 5 when children can learn not to swallow the paste. School-age children can switch to normal brushing with a pea-sized children’s toothpaste. The important point to teach in this period is to place the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees from the gum towards the tooth direction, and brushing from the gums to the teeth with circular sweeping movements. Chewing surfaces should be brushed by moving the brush in a front and back motion, the surface of the tongue and the inside of the cheek should be cleaned by brushing as well. Brushing should be done after meals, 3 times a day for two minutes.


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9:00am – 5:00pm


9:00am – 7:00pm


9:00am – 5:00pm


9:00am – 5:00pm


9:00am – 4:00pm


Appointment Only



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